O Chefe Está a Falar, 2023
cnc cut plywood treated through burning and varnish staining; dowel rod and wood detailing spray painted in gold and burnt, chiffon, fringe, plastic rope
João Lourenço addessing the Nation
this work analyses the prevalence of a regime and its cementation into the foundation of a Nation. a deconstructed replica of a speech podium with a screen used by the MPLA, this work studies the means and actualization of the dissemination of the party's propaganda. through the eternalisation of the moment of the speech, space is allowed for such instance to be dissected as an act of instigation of respect, adoration and reflection. this code is similarly particular to religious ceremonies and prayer. examining the notion of Patria as a place removed from the walkable land and processing the ritualistic effort of bridging the borders between the two, O Chefe Está a Falar draws the line between political speech-giving in an authoritarian patriotic system to the dissemination of the gospel under a religious one.