An Ostrich Learns to Fly, 2023
installation shots ritchie building, Hiddingh Campus, University of Cape Town, 15th May 2023
An Ostrich Learns to Fly, 2023
ceremonial installation
video projection on fabric, wooden table, anointing oil, glass bowl, velvet, paraffin wax candles, glass candle holders
portrait by Unathi Mkonto
ceremonial installation
video projection on fabric, wooden table, anointing oil, glass bowl, velvet, paraffin wax candles, glass candle holders

portrait by Unathi Mkonto

An Ostrich Learns to Fly video stills

An Ostrich Learns to Fly, Showroom, 2023
Chiffon, Ostrich Leather, Polyester Gloves, AOLTF publication, Velvet, Plywood, Pillow, Video Projection
Chiffon, Ostrich Leather, Polyester Gloves, AOLTF publication, Velvet, Plywood, Pillow, Video Projection

Umbigo, 2023
ostrich leather, cows leather, brass eyelets, waxed thread
ostrich leather, cows leather, brass eyelets, waxed thread

The Flag, 2023
chiffon, bull denim
chiffon, bull denim

white polyester gloves worn during performance
An Ostrich Learns to Fly looks at parade Flag belts. wearing this, the body becomes the Flag, and the self, in consequence, the Nation.
the relationship between individual and Nation is explored through this corporeal tension. looking at Patria as an imagined space removed from the walkable Land, whose pursuit is eternal and unrealized, this work processes the conflation of the self to the phenomenon of nationhood.
in this performance, as the body embodies an uncanny movement and existence, one’s identity becomes fused and obliged to the unattainable.
an act of mourning the self unfolds.